Monday, November 24, 2008

Day 24 - Long Day

It's late and I'm tired so for this post do you mind if I just give you our tentative Thanksgiving menu?

Spinach ball hors d'oeuvres
Crudites and dip
Triple cream brie, crackers

Ratatouille (good hot, even better cold)
Zingerman's bread carried from the source by Julie's folks
Whipped sweet potatoes with cardamom
Carmelized shallot and sage mashed potatoes
Green beans with roasted portabello and shallots
Cranberry sauce
Plain old corn from a can (Randy insists)
Brined (in apple juice, herbs and salt) and roasted turkey

Apple cake (in loaf pans)
Some'in cute from Lovin Oven Cakery
Split pomegranates, pretty little pears


Susan Bearman said...

Wow, fancy menu. We're going more traditional, but I did make two different kinds of cranberries today (spicy whole berry sauce and tart relish), and I cut out diaphanous fall leaves to garnish the table with a bowl full of clementines and pomegranates for a centerpiece. Yay, Zingerman's! I grew up in Ann Arbor and miss their grand sandwiches. Happy Thanksgiving.

Cindy Fey said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Susan! I'll be making you a peach pie one of these days, I promise!