Saturday, June 14, 2008

We All Fall Down in Slate!

My little old blog got a shout-out in Slate! Emily Bazelon's Father's Day article about suggested readings in kid and grown-up lit mentions my post comparing Cormac McCarthy's The Road and Laura Ingalls Wilder's The Long Winter.

Thanks for reading, Emily! To return the favor, I've got to recommend her great piece about the ethics of writing about your kids online.

(I just had a talk last month with a dad who is positively gleeful about his love of The Road. "I read it when Keegan was about as old as the boy in the book, so I was really feeling for the dad. Those conversations he had with his son..." He shivered and grinned.)

Here's a piece about the making of the movie with Viggo Mortensen.

Welcome, Slate Readers! While you're here, I've got to recommend this great story about sex after children and how one couple dealt really, really well with the primal scene.

And here's my latest post on Chicago Moms Blog, about our 40 mile trip to the Morton Arboretum, all to chase tiny frog babies. Another zen lesson from my girls, who know how to feel Emily Dickinson, although they have yet to read her: To see the world in a Grain of Sand/And a Heaven in a Wild Flower!

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