Sunday, January 6, 2008

New Year's Day

I woke at 5am after a few hours sleep. My mouth was dry and I had an insistent itch between two fingers. Clear thoughts started to rise up through the fog of sleep and I was awake. I've had insomnia at Fox Lake before, but this morning, with all the possibilities of the year ahead of me, I imagined each breath as a perfect moment, round and complete. Air in, then out, in a soothing pattern. The girls were lying on either side of me, their night thrashings stilled for once. Heaven is here on earth. That's my resolution. To dare to experience heaven in every sweet day I have.

Jenny Runkel at ScreamFree Living suggests this New Year's resolution: I will take care of myself so that others don’t have to.

Sue Spengler writes about deciding to be chosen, rather than waiting for it.

1 comment:

suesun said...

Hey-haven't been here for awhile, and was surprised to see my name! Enjoyed reading your stories and "catching up"
I did that what book are you quiz and posted it..... entertaining!
happy new year........ may it be filled with the everyday.